Fort Bragg City Council Meeting January 27th 2014

Mendocino TV brings you the Fort Bragg City Council as they deliberate the Affinito application

After the Fort Bragg Planning Commission determined that the building on Franklin Street was an inappropriate location for a large retail establishment the Fort Bragg City Council heard the appeal.

With no new evidence presented by the appellant the Fort Bragg City Council  directed Staff to bring the application back in a resolution form for adoption. This may take several weeks to occur.

Jennifer Owen presented Revisions to Program Guidelines for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Microenterprise Financial Assistance Program

The City Council also heard from staff about the Inland Land Use Development Code. They directed staf make some modifications to livestock size and quantity that residents may have in the city. They directed staff to make those revisions and bring them forward at the next meeting.


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