The Redwood Coast Photographer Dec 2011
A local newsletter about Mendocino County’s photographers and photography

Keith brings his newsletter to Mendocino TV as a weblog. Check out the monthly schedule and listings of upcoming events!
Mendocino Art Center
On exhibit December 1-31, is a national juried ceramics exhibition titled “To Go,” a statement on today’s fast-paced,
particularly American, on-the-go lifestyle. Also the Mendocino Coast Furniture Makers Third Annual Wooden Toy Show,
featuring handcrafted wooden toys.
Tom Reed
Tom Reed is reducing his inventory of prints and is selling several at discount prices. There is only one of each print on sale,
so email him at soon to get the one you want.
He is also selling his posters on a 2-for-1 special. Just order one online and he’ll send you 2.
And Tom’s coffee-table book, “The Granite Avatars of Patagonia” is on sale at a 20% discount with free shipping this month
A Message From The Tibetan Photo Project
Big News at Fiddles and Cameras. With two trips to India, over 100 hours of film clips over a year in editing, Joe Mickey’s new film, “India 101” hosted by Sazzy Varga is being advance released on DVD in a no-frills no-fancy package for only $10 at Fiddles and Cameras… or as soon as they arrive, the beautifully packaged version perfect for holiday giving at $26.95. Check out the production photos on display at the store.
India is a photographer’s dream.
If you are thinking of going to India, “India 101” offers tips and incredible visuals as a one hour film and 50 bonus minutes. Mickey and Varga enjoyed extraordinary access through their 10 years of efforts as founders of The Tibetan Photo Project which works to grow the voice of Tibetans in exile through their films and photos.
So…. don’t miss out. Be among the first to own this film and watch for details on an upcoming big screen showing of “India 101” now in planning for the North Coast .
Fiddles and Cameras – 400 North Main Street – Fort Bragg
Headlands Coffeehouse
December’s artist will be Peter Gealey – cartoonist extraordinaire! His theme is noodle art/pasta characters. Framed prints, magnets, & more! His art will be on display: Dec. 2 – Jan. 1
January’s artists will be Ed Monsen’s FBMS Art students! These talented students use several techniques to create amazing art!
Their art sill be on display: Jan. 2 – Jan. 29
Northcoast Artists Gallery: “Ornaments for Food”
Opening reception : First Friday, December 2, 5:00 – 8:00 PM
Show dates: December 2, 2011- January 3, 2012
Ornaments for Food
The tradition continues at Northcoast Artists this year, of offering a special collection of handmade ornaments, with all the sales being donated to the Fort Bragg Food Bank. Dana Driver, jeweler at Northcoast Artists, came up with this idea last year, and the ornament sale was a huge success, making over $4000 to benefit the programs at the Food Bank. Founded in 1979, the Fort Bragg Food Bank is now located in a a 4,800 square foot warehouse, which includes a walk-in refrigerator, pallet shelving, a kitchen, forklifts, and delivery vehicles. In 2009, it provided over a million pounds of food to clients throughout Mendocino County. Local community donations make up about half of the funds needed to supply the emergency groceries. This a particularly important since the Fort Bragg Food Bank has seen a 30 percent increase in the number of people who need and use its services.
So make your holiday tracks to downtown Fort Bragg and Northcoast Artists Gallery, for some of the most imaginative ornaments you are likely to find. For over twenty-five years the gallery has been the cat’s meow of places to shop on the coast, and this is a holiday offering you will not want to miss. Enjoy some First Friday Holiday Cheer, and meet the artists on Dec. 2 from 5-8 PM
Northcoast Artists Gallery
362 North Main Street, Fort Bragg, CA
Open everyday, 10-6 p.m.
Information: (707) 964-8266
Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens – Festival of Lights:
Dec 2 – 11, 2011
15 & under (children must be accompanied by an adult)
Tickets $5, Fridays & Saturdays $10
Nicholas Wilson: 40 Year photography retrospective at Odd Fellows Hall, Mendocino
Nick Wilson, a new guest artist at the Mendocino Coast Photography Guild and Gallery, will also have a 40-year retrospective show at Odd Fellows. The show opens 12/3. The reception is scheduled for the traditional 2nd Saturday. Additional information can be found on Nick’s website
Edgewater Gallery, “New and Different”
‘New Works’ in Edgewater Gallery spotlight
Edgewater Gallery members are focusing their efforts on creating something “new and different” for their December holiday show, which opens with a gala First Friday, Dec. 2, from 5-8 p.m. Edgewater is at 356 N. Main near Laurel in downtown Fort Bragg.
“Some element of each work will differ from the artist’s norm or traditional offering – whether in materials, colors, textures, shapes or subject matter,” says Edgewater President Patricia Breed. “We also will be decorated in the holiday spirit and plan to serve some
appropriate holiday refreshments.”
In addition to the “New Works” show, Edgewater will feature two Gualala artists as part of the gallery’s “Edgewater welcomes Š” program. Paul Brewer brings his wildlife photography and Larain Matheson will present both her encaustics and her jewelry.
Edgewater also has partnered with the Fort Bragg Food Bank to collect nonperishable food for those in need during this holiday season. “Please bring appropriate non-perishable food items,” adds Breed. ” To those that do, Edgewater will give a $5 off discount coupon that can be applied to an artwork worth $25 or more.”
Edgewater was founded in 2003 and has nearly 20 full-time and guest members who offer a variety of artistic mediums, from jewelry and ceramics to watercolors, oils, photography, and sculpture. The gallery is open 11 to 5 daily and until 5:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. For more information please call (707) 964-4668 or visit online at
Mendocino Museum Willits: Vintage Toys and Photographs
Vintage toys and vintage photographs: Mendocino Museum hosts holiday reception preview
On Friday, December 2, the Mendocino County Museum hosts a free holiday reception from 5 to 8 pm featuring two fascinating and informative new exhibits. Vintage Toys and Vintage Photos will be showcased in an evening preview of the Museum and Museum Store, all dressed up for the holidays. The next day during Holiday Express, a visit from Santa, train rides, and a wide range of holiday activities for kids will take center stage. The Friday eve reception will allow a relaxing peek at the Museum when the exhibits are first unveiled.
The Long Gallery will feature a special vintage toy display of intricate handmade doll houses, antique dolls and tea sets, toy chests and blocks, and an amazing selection of model trains. Meanwhile, the Tall Gallery presents the vintage photograph collection of Charles Givens. Forty-five framed and matted, beautifully printed photos of logging railroads and equipment from seven different railroad operations are on display, providing viewers with an informative glimpse of the economic development of Mendocino County.
Additionally, visitors will be able to stroll through the rest of the Museum and browse its newly expanded store. Refreshments will be served in the Wonacott room.
The Mendocino County Museum is located at 400 East Commercial St. in Willits across from Recreation Grove Park and the Rodeo grounds. The Museum is open Wednesday through Sunday from 10 am to 4:30 pm and can be reached by calling (707) 459-2736 or by visiting
Mendocino Coast Photographer Guild and Gallery:
344 Main Street, Fort Bragg 707-964-4706
Mendocino TV is opening their web site to the public on January 1st, 2012 at!
Mendocino TV, located at 303 Ste B North Main Street, in the rear of the “Company Store” off the loading dock, where the old television production studio for KFWU was located, is a local internet protocol television station (IPTV) producing NewMedia focusing on all things related to Mendocino County.
Contact Terry Vaughn at or call him at (707)964-0101 for more information