The Redwood Coast Photographer March 2012
In Celebration of The Mendocino Coast 30th Annual Whale Festival

Mar 2 First Friday Fort Bragg A number of art galleries are open late 5PM – 8PM
Northcoast Artists Gallery
Artist’s reception First Friday,
362 N. Main Street, Fort Bragg, Northcoast Artists Gallery
Headlands Coffeehouse
120 E. Laurel, FB, Ph: 707-964-1987
Open First Friday:
Mendocino Coast Photographer Guild and Gallery: 344 Main Street, Fort Bragg
335 North Franklin St. Fort Bragg First Friday 5-8 PM:
Edgewater Gallery
356 N. Main St., Fort Bragg Events: First Friday 5-8 PM
The Gallery Museum
225 East Redwood, 707 964 5225
First Friday activities until 9:30 PM
Gallerie Depot-Vente in the Depot Mall, across from the Pacific Star Winery Tasting Room
401 Main St., Ste 300 Fort Bragg (707) 961-6273
First Friday 5- 8 PM March 2nd
Mar. 3 Beginner Bird Walks Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens 9:00 AM First Saturday of the month.
Free with admission to Botanical Gardens
Mar. 3&4 “Free” weekend whale talks at MacKerricher State Park. 11 AM Jan 7 – March 18. Meet at Visitor Center MacKerricher State Park is approximately three miles north of Fort Bragg, on Highway 1.
For more information call 961-0471.
Mar 9 John Birchard’s, “Mendocino Photographs” gallery in the spa behind the Little River Inn is now open
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wed. thru Sun. The new gallery will have a special opening on Fri. March 9.
Mar 9- 11 Beginning Lightroom -The Key to Managing your Hundreds of Photos with Ron LeValley
Friday 6:30-9 PM , Sat. 8 AM -4 PM, Sun 10 AM – 2 PM
Mar 10 Second Saturday in Mendocino A number of art galleries are open later
Mendocino Art Center
Mar 10 & 11″Free” weekend whale talks at MacKerricher State Park. 11 AM. Jan 7 – March 18. Meet at Visitor Center. MacKerricher State Park is approximately three miles north of Fort Bragg, on Highway 1, for
more information call 961-0471.
Mar 15 Lost Coast Photography Meeting: Third Thursday of the month 7PM,
Mendocino Coast Photographer Guild and Gallery, 344 Main Street, Fort Bragg
Mar 17 & 18 “Free” weekend whale talks at MacKerricher State Park. 11 AM Jan 7 – March 18. Meet at Visitor Center. MacKerricher State Park is approximately three miles north of Fort Bragg, on Highway 1, for
more information call 961-0471.
Mar 21 Early Bird Walks Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens 8:30 AM
Third Wednesday of the month. Free with admission to Botanical Gardens
Mar 30 – April 1 Landscape and Nature Photography Beginning Workshop with Patrick Davis
Places to visit for art, photography, or on-going shows:
- The Bookstore, 223 E. Redwood Ave, FB
- Café Vienna, 120 S. Main St., Fort Bragg
- David’s Breakfast and Lunch, In the Boatyard Shopping center, 707-964-1946
- Showing ongoing art and photography exhibits.
- Edgewater Gallery :
- Fiddles and Cameras, Featuring the Tibetan Photo Project by Joe Mickey, 400 N. Main St., FB
- Gallery Depot Vente fort Bragg’s Historic Depot Mall, corner of Main and Laurel St.
- Gallery of the Senses on Main St. in Mendocino : Rita Crane Photography shown year round Open 7 days a week, 11 AM to 5 PM 937-2021.
- Headlands Coffeehouse, 120 E. Laurel, FB, Ph: 707-964-1987
- Icon: Mendocino, Ongoing photography show featuring John Kline and other local photographers
- MacCallum House Inn & Restaurant:
- Mendocino Art Center , 45200 Little Lake Road, Mendocino,
- Mendocino Coast District Hospital, Outpatient Building,
- Mendocino Coast Photographer Guild and Gallery, 344 Main Street, Fort Bragg
- Mosswood Market in Boonville. 14111 Hwy. 128, open Mon., Wed.-Sat. 7 AM – 3pm
- Northcoast Artists, 322 Main FB, Ongoing shows including photography
- Odd Fellows, Corner of Ukiah and Kasten, Mendocino :
- Partners Gallery, 335 North Franklin St. Fort Bragg : Ongoing photographs by Bill Brazill, Robert Taylor, Paul Kozal
- Piaci Pub and Pizzeria: 120 West Redwood, Fort Bragg :
- The World of Suzi Long:
- Toto Zaida, on Laurel St. between Main & Franklin
- Scharffenberger Cellars 8501 Hwy 128 Philo :
Lost Coast Photography Meeting In February
Third Thursday of the Month
February 16, 2011: 7:00 PM
Mendocino Coast Photographer Guild and Gallery:
344 Main Street, Fort Bragg 707-964-4706
1.Photo Share: Bring prints, or photos on CD’s, or jump drives, to share.
Tibetan Photo Project Sponsors, “India 101” for Charity and Other Causes
Check all our films at
The Tibetan Photo Project offers its films at no charge for public fund raising screenings for charity, environmental causes and for medical emergency fund raisers.
Visually Joe Mickey
My Direct email is:
Weekend Whale Talks at MacKerricher State Park
Saturday January 7th will be the beginning of the weekend whale talks at MacKerricher State Park. Knowledgeable docents will talk about the annual gray whale migration and about other marine mammals seen along the Mendocino coast. Docents will provide binoculars and a spotting scope to help you study whales and other wildlife found near the park shores. Whale walks will be every weekend at 11am through March 18th. MacKerricher State Park is approximately three miles north of Fort Bragg, on Highway 1, for more information call 961-0471.
Rita Crane Photography
Rita Crane Photography will be showing at Scharffenberger Cellars Tasting Room February 24 through May. Group Show.