Sherry Glaser on Mendocino Media Makers Sept 18th
Join Toni Orans, Host of “Mendocino Media Makers” and Sherry Glaser as they discuss Sherry’s latest show, “Character References”
Thursday September 18th at 7pm on
Sherry Glaser, author and star of such one woman show’s as The Adventures of Super Activist Mother, Oh My Goddess and the longes running one-woman show in off-Broadway history; FAMILY SECRETS brings some of her most beloved characters back to the stage with all new monolouges. Bev and Rose from FAMILY SECRETS, Miguel from OH MY GODDESS are just a few of the characters that will be on stage for CHARACTER REFERENCES. Sherry’s work always rides that fine line between comedy and drama and still does in this new offering. Sherry is also the Exec. director at Love In It Cooperative. She’s been a programmer on KZYX for over a decade.

Friday October 3rd 8PM
Sat. October 4th 8PM
Sun. October 5th 2PM Matinee (Benefit for NAMI National Alliance for Mental Illness)
Matheson Performing Art Center
10700 Ford St. (Ford and Cahto) Mendocino
Tkts. $20 adv. $25 at the door
Tkts. avail. at Love in It Cooperative Twist Icons
call 707-684-0177 for info
Facebook page Sherry Glaser Love’s Character ReferencesA New Comedy by Sherry Glaser-Love