Skate Park Re-Opening Rocks Fort Bragg
Ft Bragg Skate Park Re-Opening
On Thursday December , 2011 the long awaited re-opening of the Fort Bragg Skate Park was held to a throng of enthusiastic skaters. This second stage came about much sooner than expected thanks to Jennifer Owens phenomenal grant writing skills and a committed Fort Bragg City Council.
The combination of all levels of skate-ability and creative layout ensures this park will be a vital part of our community for generations to come.
Thanks to Ted Flaig of ‘neto grip‘ madnetic stick board products for his astute commentary and all of the community members who donated time and money to help this happen!
Action Sport Developement deserves a hearty round of thanks and appreciation for the quality design and implementation of the hopes and dreams of generations of skaters!
Located next to the CV Starr Aquatic Center in Fort Bragg it’s hours of operation are from 10AM to Sunset. Helmets and pads are available at the center when open.