Mendocino TV News Nov. 20th 2013
10-Mile Dunes – Coastal Commission Rules “No Substantial Issue”

Last week the California Coastal Commission heard the final appeal on the State Parks decision to remove the asphalt on the Old Haul Road north of Ward Avenue. The Board of Supervisors originally denied the appeal on a 3-2 vote , but appellants decided to take their case to Newport Beach where last week the Coastal Commission met and determined that there was “not a substantial issue” . In effect, this means that the removal of this portion of the Haul Road is consistent with the Local Coastal Plan. State Parks has argued that it would be better to let this region return to it’s natural habitat including indigenous plant life and breeding grounds for the snowy plover. Opponents argued that this is part of the Coastal Trail and should be maintained as such. The Coastal Commission had the final say and they have paved the way for the removal of pavement on the Haul Road north of Ward Avenue near what are locally known as the 10 mile dunes.
The road from Ward Avenue to The Pudding Creek Bridge remains on schedule for improvement.
In the original proposal and grant application for the acquisition of land by the State Parks. it was purchased as a “Preserve” and the only trail development allowed was for hiking and that was for a trail from the “Mixing Table”, on Hwy 1, down to the Haul Road. No more than 300 yds of development. A “Preserve” cannot have any road improvements.
Most touring cyclists will never use a bike trail through the dunes anyway. They have just finished traveling over the most difficult section of the coastal route from Canada to Mexico. The thing most on their mind is getting food and a place to rest for the night before braving “The Coast”. Routing them down the Haul Road would be cruel. I can pedal into Fort Bragg from Ten Mile Bridge in approximately 30 minutes. Going down the Haul Road would double or triple that time. It has never been an official bicycle route and never should be.
Thomas Croak Dies in Automobile Accident on Highway 20
Ft. Bragg lost a prominent member of the community when 57 year-old Deputy Public defender Tom Croak was killed in a single car accident on Hiway 20 near Chamberlin Creek. Croak was traveling westbound when he lost control of his 1988 Jeep on a sweeping left hand turn. According to the California Highway Patrol, he then over-corrected and veered of the side of the road, down on embankment and ended-up in a creek bed where he apparently died at the scene. He was not wearing a seatbelt. A passenger, 46 year old Ft. Bragg resident Brian Wagner survived the accident with only minor injuries. Wagner had been wearing his seat belt at the time of the accident.
Wheatly Allen Collection Donated to The Mendocino Art Center
This Saturday there will be a special reception at the Mendocino Art Center to unveil the H. Wheatly Allen Bronze Sculpture Collection, world renown for his bird sculptures and Mendocino TV News sat down with Mendocino Art Center Executive Director Lindsey Shields to talk about this most recent addition.
The reception is scheduled for Saturday November 23rd from 5 – 8pm at the Mendocino Art Center.
Fort Bragg Timberwolves Travel To Albany To Play St. Marys 
After a runback, a fumble and an interception, St Mary scored 35 points in the first quarter. From the second quarter on the two teams scored 13 points each. Kyler Sullivan threw two touchdown passes in the fourth quarter but it was too little too late. The Panthers tore through the Timberwolves, 48 to 13 to advance into the next round in the playoffs.
Ginabelle Smith Extends an Invitation To Thanksgiving Dinner 
The Fort Bragg Presbyterian Church hosts a free Thanksgiving Dinner on Thanksgiving day, Thursday, November 28th from 2pm till 4pm. Free for everyone to attend, yet donations and volunteers are welcome.