Howard Memorial Foundation Breaks Ground for New Medical Office Building

HMH Corp Home Page HeroHoward Memorial Foundation Breaks Ground for New Medical Office Building

Since the hospital’s beginning in 1927, the Willits community has banded together to support and grow the Frank R. Howard Memorial Hospital to meet the needs of the community. In recent years, this has involved significant local fund raising efforts, hospital funds accumulated during years of strong operational performance, and most recently contributions from Adventist Health (HMH/AH). Most notably has been the signing of a lease and their agreement to build the new hospital for Willits.

HMH Corp Hero3With this commitment between HMH/AH and the Foundation in place, and progress steadily being made on the new hospital (drive by the new hospital site and see for yourself), the Foundation is moving forward with their development of the medical campus. The campus will include the new hospital, a medical offices building (MOB), a wellness center, an auditorium, campus housing, and a 5-acre organic garden.

HMH Corp Hero4The first priority for the Foundation is to complete the MOB which will serve community physicians and their patients. Not only will it be convenient for medical staff who will utilize hospital resources, it will also be convenient for patients who may need the services the hospital offers. Any person who has had to sit in traffic to get to an appointment in Willits will be grateful for this close proximity of medical staff to the hospital. Completion of the MOB is planned in conjunction with the opening of the new hospital.

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