A Teachable Moment

Gabriel Maroney, a parent of a child in the Fort Bragg School District, speaks to the Board regarding the School’s administration of the new California law, Senate Bill 277, requiring all children in public schools provide paperwork that certifies the child has been vaccinated. This new law blocked medical and religious exemptions as a reason to not vaccinate your children. For a child to get called out in class in front of their classmates would be excruciatingly painful and traumatic, so I share this parent’s need to protect his child.
Mendocino TV hopes that some day this holocaust among our society of improper and overuse of vaccines for convenience and profit, that damages more children than gun violence, will be understood for what it is. An experiment on our species for profit and greed.
Why are schools and parents afraid of children that haven’t been vaccinated? If they believe that vaccines work, and that is the basis for this law, and their children have been vaccinated, what are they afraid of? Their child is much more dangerous to un-vaccinated children since they carry new strains of old diseases, than their child is of catching the disease from the un-vaccinated children.

Although it appears schools are exempt from HIPAA regulations, I hope FBUSD has a teachable moment regarding the public disclosure of a student’s health condition, status or any other personal information. This parent asked a question that the board cannot answer or debate until it’s put on the agenda and publicly noticed, something that rarely happens, so we aren’t waiting with bated breath for their response.
Having been vaccine injured myself, from a flu inoculation, I can sympathize with his anger and frustration. This is such a complex issue full of misinformation, politics and trillions of dollars in profits that it won’t be solved in our small community. Still I hope the school district and this family can reach a solution without endangering the student’s access to an education, health or religious beliefs.

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