California Coastal Commission in Fort Bragg September 12, 13 & 14 2018

Watch the California Coastal Commission meet in Fort Bragg this September for their 2018 rotation.
See: item # 10a
Application No. 1-16-0899 (California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Mendocino Co.)
Application of Caltrans to conduct geotechnical investigation to provide data for siting and overall design of future rehabilitation/replacement of Highway 1 Albion River Bridge involving geotechnical drilling of up to nine 70-125-ft.-deep bore holes within 6 specified sites, removal of major vegetation, grading, and use of helicopters for placement of drill rigs and construction of temporary access routes to boring sites, conducting seismic refraction surveys, and replanting cleared areas adjacent to Highway 1, on both sides of the Albion River at the Highway 1 Albion River Bridge, Albion, Mendocino County. (TG-A)
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) wants to destroy the last remaining timber trestle bridge on Highway 1 in California. The Albion River Bridge was recently added to the state and federal lists of historic places, and independent professional engineers have said it’s in no need of replacement.
Join Annamarie Weibel and Jim Heid as we discuss the upcoming hearings before the California Coastal Commission in Fort Bragg this week.