Building Healthy Communities Community Channel Government Channel Health Channel Live Events Mendocino Coast District Hospital News Channel Politics Mendocino Coast District Hospital Planning Committee July 15 2019 July 15, 2019July 16, 2019 Terrence Vaughn 4860 Views Comments Amy McColley, Building Health Communities, Carole White, CEO Wayne Allen, Dr. Barbara Kilian, Jessica Grinberg, John Allison, John Redding, Karen Arnold, marianne mcgee, Mary Anderson, MCDH, MCDH Board of Directors, MCHD, MCHD Board of Directors, Mendocino Coast District Hospital, Mendocino Coast District Hospital Board of Directors, Ms. Cecilia Jimenez, Rob Scott, Steve Lund
Amazing…all the background noise and busyness is rude and unproductive. No wonder MCDH “communication” is so hapless…doubtful this BOD will ever get its shit together.
Amazing…all the background noise and busyness is rude and unproductive. No wonder MCDH “communication” is so hapless…doubtful this BOD will ever get its shit together.