Fort Bragg Unified School District Board of Trustees January 11 2018
Public Notices
POSTED: January 10th, 2018
Notice is hereby given that the Fort Bragg Unified School District (FBUSD) is applying for funding from the California Department of Education under the After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs). These after school and family literacy programs are designed to serve students and families within the attendance areas of one high school: Fort Bragg High School.
The application will be submitted on January 26, 2018, and if awarded, would provide funding for up to five years.
For information about this grant application, please contact Carolyn Carine, Director of Special Programs at (707) 961-3519.
Fingerprint Day – Friday, January 19th, 2018 – 10:00am-4:00pm.
FBUSD will require all driver volunteers and some parent volunteers to have a fingerprint record on file beginning February 2018. To help parents, we have arranged a day in partnership with the Fort Bragg Police Department when you can go in and get this done for FREE!
This is a one time event so if you think you might volunteer at some point in your child’s school career, consider getting this done on January 19th.
You must pick up a form from your school site or at the District Office to participate in this. If you have questions, speak to your site secretary or contact the District Office at 961-3504.