Fort Bragg Planning Commission Denies Affinito!

Chickens will be back inside the Fort Bragg City Limits!citylogo-sm

The Inland Land Use and Development Code was discussed before an empty Town Hall as the building emptied after the planning Commission’s denial of Robert Affinito’s attempt to convert office space into retail store space.

“With Rite-Aide in The Boatyard Shopping Center going out of business”, said Marie Jones,” it would seem to be the next most logical location for a Dollar Tree Store and as already zoned retail, there would be no Planning Commission Hearing”

“Also there is a pending permit for a large format retail store just south of the Mini Golf on Highway One, she announced to the commission.

“We will allow chickens back into Fort Bragg”, said Community Development Director, Marie Jones.”As long as there are no roosters”, she added. The Inland Land Use and Development Code will be up for adoption in January by the City Council.


  1. Please let it be known that I am for the Dollar Tree store coming to Ft. Bragg. There are many in our community who can’t afford to shop here. Check out the number of clients at the Ft. Bragg Food Bank. It will open your eyes.

    Thank you

  2. It’s about choice not the wants of the Planning Commission. Thank you Derek Hoyle for being the one person who voted according to the requirements of the City. This decision was just plain wrong.

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