Ft Bragg Transient Occupancy Tax Forum
Fort Bragg’s Measure AA, Bed Tax Forum, Hosted by Skip Taube
A forum on a Transient Occupancy Tax increase from 10% to 12%. Vice-Mayor Lindy Peters represents the City of Fort Bragg. We will take telephone calls in the second half of the show.
The Fort Bragg City Council adopted a Resolution on June 27, 2016 calling and giving notice of a Special Election to submit to the voters a general tax measure (Measure AA) which would increase the City’s Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) rate from 10 percent to 12 percent, subject to approval of a majority of the voters, and an advisory measure (Measure AB) that would inform the City Council, if the TOT increase is approved by the voters, about how the generated revenues should be used. The election is to be consolidated with the statewide general election and held on November 8, 2016. Read Resolution 3912-2016.
I will be hosting Lindy Peters, City Councilman, and other guests TBA.
AB is only “advisory”, in other words even if passed they could put it right into the general fund. Sounds like they were so afraid of AA failing they added AB which is only hollow words and doesn’t really mean anything that would binding. I’m hearing people are against the TOT because of once more being fooled.