City of Fort Bragg discuss 5G at upcoming City Council

Please attend the Fort Bragg City Council meeting

Neighbors Stop 5G Mendocino
Please sign the petition “No wireless facilities next to homes, schools and parks in Fort Bragg” As of today, November 11 we got 107 supporters, 168 views, and 20 shares. We can use more signatures by this Tuesday.
If you do not want to sign you might want to attend the Fort Bragg City Council meeting this Tuesday and/or write an e-mail.Please attend the meeting even if you have signed the petition.
Please sign this petition (include your name and a brief comment). It will be presented to the Fort Bragg City Council on November 12. Please send a copy (for public comment) to City Clerk June Lemos <> and ask her to forward it to all involved and e-mail <>

From Fort Bragg

Please forward it to your friends, encourage them to sign and spread through facebook. We have not set up fundraising for this petition. The “Promote Petition” option asks of you will not go towards this cause.

Tuesday, November 12 at 6 pm at Town Hall 363 N. Main Street in Fort Bragg. Let the City Council know (in 3 minutes) if you agree or not with the City’s Aesthetic Guidelines and Standards for Deployment of Small Cell Wireless/5G Telecommunication Facilities.

Agenda (item 8B Guidelines & 8 attachments) and look at public comments attachment 5 (73 pages). Pages 71-73 were contributed by AT&T. We feel the Guidelines and Standards are not strict enough.
Give input (for public record) to City Clerk June Lemos

Below are sample letters. At a minimum include: I object (if you do) to 4G and 5G micro-towers in Fort Bragg based on the adverse effects on our health, safety, fire risk,devaluation of properties, aesthetics, impacts on the environment, loss of privacy, and excessive energy usage it demands.

Another sample is here:

Many cities and towns in California have allowed small cell wireless facilities to be installed incities and towns next to homes, schools and parks. Many cities and towns used experts to educate themselves and their communities about the dangers of this new technology and held workshops to educate the public. Most of them held one or more meetings focusing on just this topic alone.Governor Brown vetoed Senate Bill 649 backed by the cell phone industry that would have made it easier to install microwave radiation antennas, but the federal government is only giving cities and towns minimal decision power.

Demonstrations against 5G on Earth have been taking place in many parts of the world. Alarmingly, 5G in Space is being ignored. The International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, together with all the lists of signatories from 204 countries and territories signed by more than 172,395 signatures including scientists, medical doctors, doctors of oriental medicine, naturopathy, homeopathy, Ayurveda, medical Qigong, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists, engineers, psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, nurses, chiropractors, beekeepers, environmental organizations and citizens is ready to be delivered to the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and governments of all nations. Read, download the Appeal in 30 languages and sign here:

Artwork is by artist Shelley Masters

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