Mendocino TV has updated our Library to Channels

Hello Mendocino TV viewers. Mendocino TV is in a transitional phase. We have discontinued our relationship with, our last video hosting platform. It has broken our heart to do so,since it severely curtails our ability to stream live broadcasts directly from our cameras.The reason was simply financial. Mendocino TV has to support itself now.

To reduce expenses we have consolidated our video serving service to All of the subscribers that joined through Livestream will now need to subscribe through the newsletter to . Please bear with us as we transition to Channels. Channels are how we guide you through our extensive library of content. Visit the History Channel to view historical media productions in a historical context. Under The Mendocino History Channel you can expect to find multiple interviews with historical figures or about historical events in Mendocino County We will be updating and migrating videos all January, all 874 of them. Look for a Calendar on our web site, where we will announce upcoming events, meetings and news coverage. Terrence E. Vaughn, Mendocino TV

The reason was simply financial. Mendocino TV has to support itself now. To reduce expenses we have consolidated our video server service to All of the subscribers that joined through Livestream will now need to subscribe to through the newsletter. Please bear with us as we transition to Channels. Channels are how we guide you through our extensive library of content. Visit the History Channel to view historical media productions in a historical context. Under The Mendocino History Channel you can expect to find multiple interviews with historical figures or about historical events in Mendocino County We will be updating and migrating videos all January, all 874 of them. Look for a Calendar on our web site, where we will announce upcoming events, meetings and news coverage. Terrence E. Vaughn, Mendocino TV

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