Mendocino Coast District Hospital Board of Directors March 28 2019
Mendocino TV will be working with the Hospital to improve the audio quality of the Hospital Meetings.
Time and Technical issues have become a major impediment to producing live streaming video from the Redwood Room. In the limited time available after the Board returns from closed session, Marianne and I have attempted many different production setups with different levels of success. We have been dissatisfied with the acoustics of the room so we distribute microphones on the Board Members’s Tables. The camera and the microphones have been feeling disagreeable with each other which is a source of frustration to us. With so little time to do sound checks it is inevitable that we will be constantly chasing different sound configuration from noisy projectors, fans, ventilation systems, different table/room configurations, bad mic placement, lousy PA systems to speakers that refuse to speak into microphones we are backing off to re-evaluate the value to effort relationship.
I would like to thank the supporters who have made contributions to us, Kathy Silva and John Redding stand out, but to everyone of you who donate, Thank You! Knowing our community values the service we provide has kept us reporting on the hospital for 4 years now. Please be patient as we work out the technical issues with the hospital, in an attempt to bring a clear and sharp livestream with the audio quality inherent in our values.

Mendocino TV will be working with the Hospital to improve the audio quality of the Hospital Meetings.
This is not to mean that we won’t be covering the hospital’s meetings. We will still report out using different modes such as text, audio & video while we work on improving the process. If we had our choice it would be to move the Board meetings to the Lobby, where we can setup in advance and do a sound check while accomplishing the dual feat of expanding the hospital’s viewers and gaining more capacity for live bodies at the Board meetings
Live from Mevo from Mendocino TV on Vimeo.